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Dealing with Repeated Sin Cycles

Writer's picture: BCA ChurchBCA Church

Romans 7:15: "I do not understand; for I am practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate".

Do you feel the same way as I do?

Do you keep sinning the same sin which you don't like?

Other day I was getting upset and angry at my child. Instantly I felt the way I was dealing the

situation was not right. I confessed to God and agreed what I did was wrong. Few days later I did the same mistake again. I have found myself repeatedly confessing the same sin to God. This is just one example, but there are many a times where I have confessed but can't overcome sin.

John 1:9 we read if we confess our sins ,God will forgive us, but merely confession doesn't help me get out of this cycle.

What I am missing is Repentance, a sincere commitment to walk in obedience to Christ.

Confession means agreeing to God that we did was wrong but that alone will not keep us from repeating it, that's why repentance should always be a part of confession.

Repentance means to feel sorry, regretful about a past action, attitude etc, but unless I make a sincere commitment it will only end up feeling remorse or guilty ; I can't expect a changed life.

Sincere Repentance is more about the actions we take and not the words we say. We find ourselves changed and people around us will notice the change in us.

In the story of the prodigal son ( Luke 15:17-21) younger son came to his senses and said "I will set out and go back to my father and say to him, Father I have signed against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son". He just doesn't get settled with His feeling of remorse instead he shows it in his action by going back to his father. His father acknowledges the changed heart and the return of his son .

The next time we repent may God enable us not just say the right words but a sincere

commitment and the right steps.

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