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EPHPHATHA (Be opened)

In Mark 7, We see Jesus healing a deaf man who also had an impaired speech. Jesus takes this man away from the crowd, and puts His finger into

man's ears and then spits and touches the man's tongue, after touching the man's ears and tongue, Jesus looks up to the heaven and with a deep sigh says Ephphatha (Mark 7:34). What a tremendous blessing for this man to have his ears opened and hear the voice of God. We further read that once this man was able to hear and talk properly, he couldn't be stopped from spreading the good news he received from Jesus.

Jesus opens this man's ears and tongue

This man not being able to hear or communicate had put him in a vulnerable situation as people use their hearing more than they realise to avoid harm. Spiritual deafness is no different. When we cannot hear God, we lose our direction and follow a path away from God's will for us.

I was praying that I could hear God clearly in my life

Hearing God is not just about spending few minutes we give him to speak, it is about me tuning my ears more towards him or forcing myself to be attentive. We can easily give our ears and minds and get toxic with what is happening around us. To hear God we should sit quietly, meditate, exercise and practice sitting with Jesus for extended periods. l have read that hearing from God is living a lifestyle that removes other noise that inhibits his voice from being heard.

Moses judged all the Israelites who came to him from morning to evening. (Exodus 13) How did he do it for millions of people who daily came to him? Whenever a person comes to him with a problem, he asks God how to solve it (Exodus 18:1 6). His ears were so attuned with God's voice. Moses definitely heard God's voice in his life much more than human voice. He spend most of his time with GOD and was called God's friend.

Yes, sometimes we also need healing for our inward deaf and dumb nature to hear God and to learn to speak His heart.

The bible says in 1 Samuel 3:1 the boy Samuel served the Lord by assisting Eli, and in those days messages from the Lord were very rare. But still young Samuel's ears were opened so he could hear God clearly . As Samuel grew in the temple serving God, his spiritually sensitive ears also grew and he became God's mouthpiece (first prophet in Israel).

The Lord God has given Me the tongue of disciples, That I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word. He awakens me morning by morning, He awakens my ear to listen as a disciple. The Lord God has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious; I turned not backward (Isaiah 50:4-5).

Q. Why did God open the ear ?

A. It is to hear Him

Q. And when does God do it ?

A. Morning by morning or everyday, listening to God regularly, brings appropriate word at

the right moment, which is powerful, and makes difference in the lives of people that are hurt.

Lord, next time I hear your words , unblock my ears that I can listen you clearly. Lord help me to quiet other noises in my life ,blocking from hearing and receiving your word. Holy Spirit awaken me and bring enlightenment to my heart, so that I turn from rebellion to obedience, liberate my tongue so that I may speak of Your goodness.

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