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Speaking Life To Our Children

When you were growing up, did anyone ever speak life into you? How did that impact you?

I love Proverbs 18:21 which says Death and life are in the power of the tongue . By this it means that our speech has the power. We can either speak life or death into our situations and circumstances in our life.

Speaking life means speaking in consent with the Word of God, speaking words that build and are fruitful.

Speaking death is speaking words which doesn't bring life, unfruitful or being careless in what we speak.

Many a times we knowingly or unknowingly speak lifeless words without knowing its effects. James chapter 3 teaches us that our use of tongue can bring life or death depending on what we say.

Genesis 35:18 we read Rachel died while giving birth to her son. Before dying ,she named him Benoni (meaning son of pain). But Jacob called him Benjamin (son of my right hand). Here we see Jacob refusing to call his child son of pain, but instead giving him a better name. Maybe the enemy has whispered many labels on our children, we should learn to unhook our children from enemy's words by speaking God's truth over them.

Let our children hear from our mouth the words of life spoken over them. God's living message is very close to you, as near as the tongue in your mouth. (Romans 10:8).

May we try our best to consciously speak life and may our hearts be so full of God's word so that our mouth speaks out life.

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